OK, “banned” may be a little strong. But I think it’s fair to say that the traditional ways of “training” educators how to use data systems don’t work. Not in the sense of helping a critical mass of users consistently…
Guest Blog: Our EdWise Events for the Kauffman Foundation
As many of you know, I partnered with Paul Smith of Education Reform Advocates to design and conduct sessions to help educators learn about the EdWise data system from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Click here to read a guest blog…
My Teachers Don’t Like It When I Talk to Them About Data Use
I was talking with a central office administrator the other day. He does presentations to teachers using data, disseminates data to them, and tries to help them use data. He’s discouraged by how resistant they are to what he’s delivering.…
Data System Workshops – Applying New Research
I’m doing some work with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, designing workshops to introduce their new EdWise data system. Paul Smith, a former colleague of mine at Johns Hopkins University, is helping me with these sessions and we’re tapping some…
Data-Informed Practice: It’s Not Just About Test Scores (Part 4: Professional Learning)
Happy May. In Part 1 of this blog series, I discussed how a focus on test scores has led to a culture where most data use is event-based – that is, something educators do outside of their everyday practice. In…